Wake up six o'clock this morning. It finally started to become bright around 7:00, thick clouds and overcast this morning that was now covered.
Tourists from Japan NICHIBEI Group was arrived at Milan from last night, the breakfast restaurant is full Japanese. It is delicious healthy breakfast this morning! That blue sky came back room from breakfast. I'm going to be a pleasant day and finally it this minute.
Panasonic introduced the article AllAbout I was allowed to interview at the University of Milan the other day, I was allowed to visit in the to open a "classroom tools lanterns LED" and "classroom Eco light" in the primary school of Milan city from early morning.
The fourth grade is very honest and hardworking, but also enthusiastic teacher I was impressed. Written in Kanji characters the name of the one is said to want to write in Japanese, his name tried to go back to finish the tour, last ‥ was written in Kanji characters the name of teacher ended up being forced to write the name of the whole class . It was a fun classroom visitations.
After that, I went around the venue that could not go on the subway to the venue Sanone saw yesterday. At the entrance to the Salone has exhibited a collection of tiles specialty of the region ceramics typical of the world, put a pot on the ceiling of the FIAT 1950s became tattered, at the entrance to its interior is flooded to circulate water installation that had become popular. It's seems to exhibit Italy.
Yamagiwa is dealing with a long time ago, it was my favorite at the venue of this year's EuroLuce, it is now a new product "Ingo Maurer" is giving off conspicuous in the Toyo Kitchen showroom.
It is a lighting fixture and swaying like a candle flame flickering of LED lamps swayed in the wind especially in that. Although I think are behind the advanced technology, by a small LED flash programming dynamics, I did I create a flame in the wind.
Delivery VanCar of Veuve Cliquot champagne, lunch was delicious champagne and sandwiches to feast. Champagne10Euro and ham sandwich 9Euro. It was quite delicious.
I think back to the hotel once, try and walk the hall in the city Fiori Salone again blogging. (hide)
Veuve Clicquotのサンドイッチランチ

Veuve Clicquotのサンドイッチランチ
冷えきった体を温めるため10時過ぎにようやく夕食。近くにあったピザハウスで赤ワインのハーフボトルと合わせてご馳走に!Total 17.5Euroで充分に満腹に!
Since it was published as an open room and talk during the Salone, a residential building of very large scale redevelopment project near the Garibaldi station, I went to the site shortly after eight o'clock, was able to actually visit a 9.30 had passed. Unique lifestyle are seen everywhere in the residence of 36 square meters studio type. I think it is quite interesting project.
Finally to 10 o'clock dinner to warm your body was cold. I to feast together with a half-bottle of red wine in the pizzeria was near! Enough with the fullness Total 17.5Euro!
冷えきった体を温めるため10時過ぎにようやく夕食。近くにあったピザハウスで赤ワインのハーフボトルと合わせてご馳走に!Total 17.5Euroで充分に満腹に!
Since it was published as an open room and talk during the Salone, a residential building of very large scale redevelopment project near the Garibaldi station, I went to the site shortly after eight o'clock, was able to actually visit a 9.30 had passed. Unique lifestyle are seen everywhere in the residence of 36 square meters studio type. I think it is quite interesting project.
Finally to 10 o'clock dinner to warm your body was cold. I to feast together with a half-bottle of red wine in the pizzeria was near! Enough with the fullness Total 17.5Euro!

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