ゆりかもめ青海駅近くの広場で明日から24日までの予定で「HOUSE VISION 2013 TOKYO EXHIBITION」と銘打った展示会が開かれ、そのプレスカンファレンスが3時から開かれた。LIXIL HONDA 住友林業 無印良品 TOTO+YKK AP 蔦屋書店などの企業と建築家が新しい時代の住まいのあり方を様々なコンセプトで実物展示している見応えのある展示会だ。住宅設計に携わっている方必見の展示会だと思う。(hide)
Of the morning was calm, the wind first spring storm intensified from around 9:00!
Eyes and nose had been itching from a few days ago, have been attacked this year finally. It is a full-scale appearance of hay fever!
Exhibition, billed as "HOUSE VISION 2013 TOKYO EXHIBITION" is scheduled for up to 24 days from tomorrow in the square near the Yurikamome train station of AOMI is opened, the press conference was held at three. It is worth seeing the exhibition architect with companies like TOTO + YKK AP ,TSUTAYA bookstore, MUJI, LIXIL, HONDA, Sumitomo Forestry has been exhibited in various concepts life the way live in a new era. I think it is a must-see exhibition of those who are involved in residential design. (hide)
ゆりかもめ青海駅近くの広場で明日から24日までの予定で「HOUSE VISION 2013 TOKYO EXHIBITION」と銘打った展示会が開かれ、そのプレスカンファレンスが3時から開かれた。LIXIL HONDA 住友林業 無印良品 TOTO+YKK AP 蔦屋書店などの企業と建築家が新しい時代の住まいのあり方を様々なコンセプトで実物展示している見応えのある展示会だ。住宅設計に携わっている方必見の展示会だと思う。(hide)
Of the morning was calm, the wind first spring storm intensified from around 9:00!
Eyes and nose had been itching from a few days ago, have been attacked this year finally. It is a full-scale appearance of hay fever!
Exhibition, billed as "HOUSE VISION 2013 TOKYO EXHIBITION" is scheduled for up to 24 days from tomorrow in the square near the Yurikamome train station of AOMI is opened, the press conference was held at three. It is worth seeing the exhibition architect with companies like TOTO + YKK AP ,TSUTAYA bookstore, MUJI, LIXIL, HONDA, Sumitomo Forestry has been exhibited in various concepts life the way live in a new era. I think it is a must-see exhibition of those who are involved in residential design. (hide)
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