The temperature was lower today, during the day were more likely to spend only a minute the wind was not blowing. Cloud does not spread in the evening, I wonder really falling snow forecast for tomorrow?
Foot traffic is not well understood but is now falling actively to H&M, ZARA, such as Forever21 fashion store in Shibuya, bustle that of 20 years ago have disappeared entirely would be Shibuya SEIBU. A-Build. is also seen little foot traffic yet, but it seems horrible decline so B-Build. is also seen.
There is a bronze statue of the man who blew the whistle in front of the B-Build., customer is not completely entering but Piper is the B-Build.
The ambition is not felt at all window display, it is not unreasonable to state store closed at any time. I wonder what has become the reality of the SEIBU has not hit any of the two hand shop that is not less than 100 meters away, but highlights the ups and downs about this? It's a strange store. (hide)
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