夕方からは、近所のJCさんご夫妻をお招きしてホームパーティ。旨い酒と料理と楽しい会話の盛り上がりで有意義な一夜を過ごさせていただきました。遅くまでありがとうございました!(tami & hide)
For users of annual Tsunashima Kitchen seminars is open from 11:00. Participants in four customers today have canceled the effect of influenza.
It was the day before yesterday, too, because it is a small number and talk rather dense, good as well.
In the evening, home party and invited Mr. and Mrs. JC neighbors. I was allowed to spend the night at the climax of meaningful conversation and fun delicious food and drink. Thank till late! (tami & hide)
夕方からは、近所のJCさんご夫妻をお招きしてホームパーティ。旨い酒と料理と楽しい会話の盛り上がりで有意義な一夜を過ごさせていただきました。遅くまでありがとうございました!(tami & hide)
For users of annual Tsunashima Kitchen seminars is open from 11:00. Participants in four customers today have canceled the effect of influenza.
It was the day before yesterday, too, because it is a small number and talk rather dense, good as well.
In the evening, home party and invited Mr. and Mrs. JC neighbors. I was allowed to spend the night at the climax of meaningful conversation and fun delicious food and drink. Thank till late! (tami & hide)
All About 最新記事のご案内です。興味ある記事をご覧ください。

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