

朝10時から、表参道のモダンリビング編集部でオーダーキッチングランプリの選定審査会が開かれました。 195点の応募作品のうち、一昨日の予備審査で120点にまで絞り、今日はその120点を審査員全員が再度評価を加える手順で審査をおこないました。 建築コンペやデザインコンペなどと比べて、建築とキッチンの関係という非常に現実的なテーマへの高品質な回答が数多く寄せられてことに厚く御礼申し上げます。 審査会の途中で抜け出して、昼過ぎからツナシマキッチンセミナー。キャンセルが出て今日の受講者はふたりだけとなったが、かえって緻密なセミナーとなったと思う。(hide)
From 10 am, Selection Committee of the order Kitchen Grand Prix was held at Omotesando editorial department of modern living. Of the 195 submissions point, squeeze up to 120 points in the preliminary examination of the day before yesterday, today we were doing a screening procedure that all the judges re-evaluation of 120 points added to it. Compared with the architecture and design competitions and competition, I would thank that high-quality answers to very real theme of the relationship has received many architectural and kitchen. I'm out in the middle of the Committee, from early afternoon seminar Tsunashima kitchen. I think today's students became two of only canceled out, and the seminar was rather dense. (hide)

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