
ケルン国際家具見本市 LIVING KITCHEN2015ツアーの参加者募集開始です!

来年1月19日から25日までドイツ・ケルンのメッセ会場で開かれるIMM2015LIVING KITCHEN 2015視察ツアーの募集を開始いたします。
今回もケルンメッセ社長を交えたIMMプレゼンテーションを受けた後LIVING KITCHEN2105の会場視察を4日間、ドイツの家庭訪問を2〜3軒、ドイツキッチン機器の最高峰Gaggenauの工場見学と、ドイツキッチンのトップランクに位置するZeyko社のショールーム&工場見学を行う予定です。

Will begin the recruitment of 2015 inspection tour of LIVING KITCHEN IMM2015 to be held in Messe venue of Cologne, Germany, January 19 to 25 next year.
Cologne International Furniture Fair Proven close as '60 exhibition of kitchen furniture is a must-see exhibition of people involved in the kitchen industry.

Four days, 2-3 home visits of Germany, located and factory tour of the highest Gaggenau German equipment, the top rank of German kitchen venue visits KITCHEN2105 LIVING after receiving a presentation that was sprinkled with Koelnmesse president this time it is planned to carry out the showroom and factory tour of Zeyko Corporation.
Please join us! NichibeiKanko tourism and Mr.Machida to thank you detailed inquiries of the tour, and on application. (hide)
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