


Day-to-day of about 25 degrees is followed by the maximum temperature that does not seem to be in early September, is cloudy or followed by a sudden rain or rain every day, blue sky in the clear autumn sky has disappeared completely.
Low temperature and long rain followed by August, and September, is not given good way affects also the Japanese economy tend to wet, and soaring prices of vegetables daily is becoming a significant impact on people living above all.

Rain did not rain still lunchtime, lunch terrace of RoyalGardenCafe for the first time in a long time. Appearance does not change a few months ago 1,000 yen tomato sauce pasta and olive cabbage and eggplant, but seasoned has changed greatly. Customers in the restaurant is small, terrace rattle. It is a pity that the texture of organic lunch of opening original It was almost disappeared from this restaurant. (hide)

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