


There remains a lingering last night of cold wintry wind No.1, scattered clouds flying in the sky that was cleared up in the deep blue.
After construction sites of the "RYUNOHIGE" is covered at once steel frame is up in the sheet, the middle is no longer visible. He is descended confirmation application in the four-storey building in the announcement billboard, but had launched another more steel frame of a billboard of steel on top of the apparently same builders 4-story at the end of last week. I think every time you see a huge billboard in town, but I think I greatly impact on the structure calculation even in sunshine wonder'm thinking How Building Guidance Division of the office? I can not quite understand just read the Building Standards Law.

Lunch is RoyalGardenCafe of terrace for the first time in a long time. Wind has a strong little strong but sunshine, terrace in the sun is warm hilarious! With And it looks like a lie that this before had said that hot hot to. (hide)

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