神楽坂のイタリア食材店「DolceVita」が来月18日にリニューアルオープンするのに先立って、取り扱う食材の試食会がニューオータニ・ガーデンコート10階にあるオカムラ・イベントルームで 、夕方6時から開かれ招待されたtamiと揃って出席してきた。
「DolceVita」はJAPAN SALTという100種類以上の塩を扱う企業が母体で、イタリア各地の最高の食材をセレクトして販売する店だ。
Prior Italian food store Kagurazaka "DolceVita" is to reopen on the 18th next month, it is aligned with tami tasting of the food to be handled is opened from 6:00 evening Okamura event room on the 10th floor New Otani Garden Court I've been attending.
Boat shop Benkeibashi towards the New Otani remains of the old days, a huge hole is empty gaping dismantling of the Akasaka Prince Hotel is almost over.
"DolceVita" is a shop that companies dealing with salt more than 100 kinds of JAPAN SALT is the mother, to sell by a selection of the best ingredients throughout Italy.
To hand the delicious wine, and I am allowed to enjoy cheese manufacturers superior among other Parmigiano Reggiano, balsamic vinegar of three medals, jam, olives, and bruschetta source in the party. Was a feast! (hide)
JAPAN SALT 大川社長の挨拶ニューオータニに向かう弁慶橋のボート屋は昔のままだが、赤坂プリンスホテルの解体がほとんど終わって巨大な穴がぽっかりと空いている。
「DolceVita」はJAPAN SALTという100種類以上の塩を扱う企業が母体で、イタリア各地の最高の食材をセレクトして販売する店だ。
Prior Italian food store Kagurazaka "DolceVita" is to reopen on the 18th next month, it is aligned with tami tasting of the food to be handled is opened from 6:00 evening Okamura event room on the 10th floor New Otani Garden Court I've been attending.
Boat shop Benkeibashi towards the New Otani remains of the old days, a huge hole is empty gaping dismantling of the Akasaka Prince Hotel is almost over.
"DolceVita" is a shop that companies dealing with salt more than 100 kinds of JAPAN SALT is the mother, to sell by a selection of the best ingredients throughout Italy.
To hand the delicious wine, and I am allowed to enjoy cheese manufacturers superior among other Parmigiano Reggiano, balsamic vinegar of three medals, jam, olives, and bruschetta source in the party. Was a feast! (hide)
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