昼過ぎから第13回目のRED BOWL大会という年に一度のAllAboutガイドの祭りが開かれtamiと揃って参加してきた。
会場はかっての品川PacificHotelが2010年に閉館したあと、2011年からSHINAGAWA GOOSと名前の変わった複合商業施設の1階にあるTKPガーデンシティ品川・グリーンウィンド。
会場はかっての品川PacificHotelが2010年に閉館したあと、2011年からSHINAGAWA GOOSと名前の変わった複合商業施設の1階にあるTKPガーデンシティ品川・グリーンウィンド。
We have participated in flush with the festival of tami AllAbout guide is opened once a year called RED BOWL tournament of the 13th day from early afternoon.
After Shinagawa PacificHotel of selfishness was closing in 2010, the venue TKP Garden City Shinagawa Green window on the first floor of a commercial complex renamed and SHINAGAWA GOOS from 2011.
Participants of today raised a great deal to become a more than 300 of the largest ever. Became a meaningful gathering deepen exchanges with people who become a social gathering after the announcement of the management policy of the future of AllAbout by Ebata CEO, Nishimura COO, became the guide and the new guide since inception as of hide and tami.
After the dissolution of the evening, after-party at CafeBar that MangoTree in the Wing Takanawa of nearly 10 volunteers. Thank you very much everyone who participated in the fun gathering! (hide)

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