途中、解体工事が進んでいたパルコPart2がまったく姿を消してしまった。こうやって見るとあまり敷地は広くない。家庭用品や日用雑貨の「Three Minutes Happiness」 が閉館のあと「MONO COMME CA」になってファッション店に模様替したと思っていたら、「SUITS SELECT」に変わっていた。その隣で再開発中だった都営住宅はまったくオシャレなビルに生まれ変わっていた。テナント工事はこれから始まる様子。向かいの靴屋のあとには先週金曜日にオープンしたという「Le pain quotidien」、オーガニックパンがウリで旨そうなのでバゲットを買う。少し登ったところにあった「塩の博物館」も閉館!墨田区のほうに移設されるそうだ。
Wind and rain, such as the storm of last night is like a lie, outdoor lunch after all day of autumn pleasant Indian summer! I went to Yoyogi Park for the first time in a long time.
Parco Part2 that demolition work had progressed was disappeared at all. The site is not so wide If you look at doing this. If you thought that was the makeover fashion stores of grocery and household goods "Three Minutes Happiness" is made after the closing to "MONO COMME CA", had been changed to "SUITSSELECT". Municipally-owned housing was re-developed in the next had been transformed into a stylish building at all. Tenant construction state that begins now.
Buy a baguette and it was opened on Friday last week after the shoe store across the street "Le pain quotidien", organic bread because the effect seems.
Closed also "museum of salt" that was in the place where it climbed a little! It's so be moved towards the SUMIDA.
Leaves had fallen almost in high winds last night zelkova tree-lined side of NHK. (hide)
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