Chipping of the outer wall tile construction of large-scale repair work of apartments in Shibuya starts from first thing in the morning this morning, it is not to work in the noise. I've watched the "Chef of the President" movie to go to Bunkamura Le Cinema lunchtime. It is an excellent movie that I charm sharply in the true story of one woman chef who captivated the hearts of President Mitterrand, the what is good food.
Chipping the end finally in the evening, waterproof mortar had been painted. Chipping work on this floor is likely to continue still tomorrow. (hide)
Chipping of the outer wall tile construction of large-scale repair work of apartments in Shibuya starts from first thing in the morning this morning, it is not to work in the noise. I've watched the "Chef of the President" movie to go to Bunkamura Le Cinema lunchtime. It is an excellent movie that I charm sharply in the true story of one woman chef who captivated the hearts of President Mitterrand, the what is good food.
Chipping the end finally in the evening, waterproof mortar had been painted. Chipping work on this floor is likely to continue still tomorrow. (hide)
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