JIDA (Japan Industrial Designers Association)Seminar "3D printer or a tool valid for designers really" was held in liaison center on the fifth floor midtown 6 o'clock evening.
K's design lab Hara Yuji who is a leading expert in the rapid prototyping of Japan, and Sumikawa Shinichi, They are active to introduce a 3D printer actually, the reality of 3D printers that may be said boom now, while demonstrates its use in the product design realistic flow and technical so far, to form a theoretical possibility advantages and disadvantages in the present condition, and practical aspects, the manufacturing of future , it was me engaged in a talk session of the real intention. It was a seminar that I do not know very much help.(hide)
JIDA (Japan Industrial Designers Association)Seminar "3D printer or a tool valid for designers really" was held in liaison center on the fifth floor midtown 6 o'clock evening.
K's design lab Hara Yuji who is a leading expert in the rapid prototyping of Japan, and Sumikawa Shinichi, They are active to introduce a 3D printer actually, the reality of 3D printers that may be said boom now, while demonstrates its use in the product design realistic flow and technical so far, to form a theoretical possibility advantages and disadvantages in the present condition, and practical aspects, the manufacturing of future , it was me engaged in a talk session of the real intention. It was a seminar that I do not know very much help.(hide)
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