6時からは六本木ヒルズのグランドハイアット東京2fの「バジル」会場でグローエジャパンの「GROHE GRANDERA」発表会が開かれた。オーセンティックデザインと説明されたデザインをドイツ・グローエ本社のグローバルシニアバイスプレジデントという役職のポール・フラワーズ氏からプレゼンテーションされた。デザイン指向を強め先行するハンスグローエとのデザインの優位性が見つけられない点がもどかしい。(hide)
Todays afternoon the scorching sun shines, Sharp Tokyo branch office was relocated from Ichigaya to the Shibaura Seavance S Hall is located in the middle most of the Tamachi and Hamamatsu town, new product launches celebrated its 10th year of the launch of "HEALSIO" was held .
Superheated steam cooking is to be able in a short time rather than the conventional performance increases. I also announced the four types of CA1 GA1, single layer for SA1, parenting family-friendly SP1, active senior for a family seeking the real thing for the health of the family. The feeling that I too divided the target to the impression. I think HEALSIO that we should pass in HEALSIO but ‥.
Japan Grohe "GROHE GRANDERA" announcement party was held in the Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi Hills 2f in "Basil" venue from 6:00. Was presentation from Paul Flowers said position of global senior vice president of the German Grohe headquarters design that has been described as authentic design. That the superiority of our design with Hans Grohe preceding increasingly design-can not find frustrating. (hide)
Todays afternoon the scorching sun shines, Sharp Tokyo branch office was relocated from Ichigaya to the Shibaura Seavance S Hall is located in the middle most of the Tamachi and Hamamatsu town, new product launches celebrated its 10th year of the launch of "HEALSIO" was held .
Superheated steam cooking is to be able in a short time rather than the conventional performance increases. I also announced the four types of CA1 GA1, single layer for SA1, parenting family-friendly SP1, active senior for a family seeking the real thing for the health of the family. The feeling that I too divided the target to the impression. I think HEALSIO that we should pass in HEALSIO but ‥.
Japan Grohe "GROHE GRANDERA" announcement party was held in the Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi Hills 2f in "Basil" venue from 6:00. Was presentation from Paul Flowers said position of global senior vice president of the German Grohe headquarters design that has been described as authentic design. That the superiority of our design with Hans Grohe preceding increasingly design-can not find frustrating. (hide)

Roppongi Hills

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