And thus the last night, that I have arrived at the hut After finishing the reunion of Kobe, until I arrive at the lodge at 10 o'clock at night and since I left home at six in the morning, have been moved about 1500km or more over the day.
Shinshu this morning was also cut the 14 degree temperature is low. Appearance in the woods is comfortable leaves in dead tree at the time of the May holidays. Wake up in the swing of birds and bush warbler, "spring seminar" is, began to cry loudly in unison from 8:00 too early in the morning. Spring seminar is likely to disappear past the June in a small cicada of this unique region.
I am glad that the flower color and distinctive season of Rengetsutsuji just.
Breakfast overlooking the green on the terrace for the first time in a long time. Board of management association was held in the Administration Center to 1 o'clock from 10:00.
I went back to Tokyo unfortunately after the Council, work because the accumulated. Were cheers for good work! (hide)
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