店を出た向かいにあった「MONO」という雑貨店が退去したあと、明日から開店するという「SUITE SELECT 」に変わっていた。MONOの前にあったTreeMinutesHappinesというライフスタイルショップはなかなか楽しい店だったのに、みんな長続きがしないのが残念だ。
Windy or effect of typhoon this morning, Tokyo became a hot day of 30 degrees for the first time yesterday, was one days to the humid rain is likely to get off at any moment. Lunch time I went there to Koen-dori in one and a half years to "CHINKA SHISAI".
Private room was near the back is the layout to accommodate placement of the chair is changed at all, in any way to group tourists from one customer was also lost store.
Lunch is unchanged at 780 yen, I asked the CHINJAO ROHSU, but had to leave blue CHINJAO is turned stalk of garlic. Taste had changed the face of cooking people do not even know at all, not the seasoning of SHISEN charming old.
I be missed while at this late hour was before,"CHINKA SHISAI" ,"Wan's Kitchen" it's had closed since the earthquake 311.
After the general store was across from leaving the store called "MONO" is dismissed, it had changed and that it open from tomorrow to "SUITE SELECT". It is a pity lifestyle shop that TreeMinutesHappines that was in front of MONO although it was pretty fun store, long-lasting is not to everyone.
Graffiti is writing in large letters on miserably on the wall art of Parco. Graffiti in town is a global phenomenon, but it's nasty behavior that do not want to be popular only in Japan. (hide)
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