困ったことに渋谷の街中の落書きがますます増えてきて、PARCO part2の解体工事現場の仮囲いもあっという間に落書きされてしまった。
Holidays of up to yesterday over, work resumed from today.
It's always wonder to see the huge sign of H&M, 1,490 yen price of the dress only this has been posted on a big sign! It is an example of a price collapse, but the business will it holds with this?
RoyalGardenCafe lunch for the first time in a long time. It was carried out wanted to enjoy the terrace lunch If I am in before midnight, but the terrace is fully booked from late morning met with Golden Week last.
Tomato soup came with when I ordered a pasta lunch as usual. It was said soup is marked with the day of rest and I asked, but 1,280 yen when I have an account! 300 yen is also high soup is only with than the weekday! This store is also have a good business!
Do not I do change so much and the price of the dress H&M!
MacBookPro so ask to input password every time of the operation, I went to listen to the Apple Store. Mr.manuel my friend gave me answering it are just. The store is crowded and surprisingly. I was told floors on the second floor is more crowded, first floor's crowded it really is good, but the second floor of the crowded, it is not a good thing too. It may be so indeed.
It's always wonder to see the huge sign of H&M, 1,490 yen price of the dress only this has been posted on a big sign! It is an example of a price collapse, but the business will it holds with this?
RoyalGardenCafe lunch for the first time in a long time. It was carried out wanted to enjoy the terrace lunch If I am in before midnight, but the terrace is fully booked from late morning met with Golden Week last.
Tomato soup came with when I ordered a pasta lunch as usual. It was said soup is marked with the day of rest and I asked, but 1,280 yen when I have an account! 300 yen is also high soup is only with than the weekday! This store is also have a good business!
Do not I do change so much and the price of the dress H&M!
MacBookPro so ask to input password every time of the operation, I went to listen to the Apple Store. Mr.manuel my friend gave me answering it are just. The store is crowded and surprisingly. I was told floors on the second floor is more crowded, first floor's crowded it really is good, but the second floor of the crowded, it is not a good thing too. It may be so indeed.
Graffiti in the streets of Shibuya been increasing more and more worryingly, temporary enclosure of the demolition site of PARCO part2 also had been graffiti quickly.
Although changed the wall material deep contoured wall of ramp slope of the organ as well so that it can not be graffiti, still it is graffiti and plentiful.
Vending Machine tent of Pepsi in the apartment in Shibuya office, is also weasel pretend of undo and graffiti, but because management people during the holidays is a holiday, It's've been graffiti with all one's might.
I wonder mon is not somehow. (hide)

日本の伝統調味料 煎り酒

簡単缶詰レシピ アレンジ4種
日本の伝統調味料 煎り酒



簡単缶詰レシピ アレンジ4種
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