Spring rain that lasted gently with cold and maximum temperature rise is not only up to about 10 degrees as usual. Jam-packed matrix I went out for lunch NEGIYA and I think a cold day. 860 yen rice set meal of tempura soba of the CenterStreet "Shibuya Sarashina ".
A matrix to store cheese tart was able to leave the store and head. The matrix I think always people in Tokyo.
Change entirely environmental Mac on December 2, 2011, has been comfortable with using iMac, cover the keyboard come off the place, the position the key is now shifted subtly, YamadaDenki after lunch I have bought a new cover.
Big hole in the order of the shift-command-delete-↓, in the letter key hole has spread in the order of A-S-N-H-K-E-I-O If you look closely at the cover. Interesting I know that more often hit these keys. (hide)
Change entirely environmental Mac on December 2, 2011, has been comfortable with using iMac, cover the keyboard come off the place, the position the key is now shifted subtly, YamadaDenki after lunch I have bought a new cover.
Big hole in the order of the shift-command-delete-↓, in the letter key hole has spread in the order of A-S-N-H-K-E-I-O If you look closely at the cover. Interesting I know that more often hit these keys. (hide)
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