
新しいデジカメCybershot DSC-RX100

Canon G10の修理費が25,000円もかかるという不可解なサービスセンターからの連絡を受け、古いデジカメを2日ほど使ったがやっぱり性能不足は否めない。
昨日も今日も仕事に出たが、昼休みにヨドバシカメラに出かけて、ハイエンド・コンパクトデジカメに的を絞っていろいろ選択した結果、選んだのがSONY Cybershot DSC-RX100だ。G10の後継機種と比較しても、2020万画素、ISO感度25600、重量240gという性能はかなりの違いがある。

Poor performance can not be denied too received a call from the service center baffling that it takes 25,000 yen repair costs Canon G10, I used a digital camera a couple of days old.
I come into work yesterday and today, as a result of the lunch break I went to Yodobashi Camera, the selected variety focuses on high-end compact digital camera, but I chose SONY Cybershot DSC-RX100. Compared with the successor of G10, 20.2 million pixel performance, sensitivity 25 600 ISO, that there are substantial differences in weight 240g.
Immediately, try to take the shibuya sky before sunset. You seem to take quite beautiful
But the first time I used a digital camera SONY, thank you so taken care of every day from now on! (hide)


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