


Day of rain last night is clear and crisp like a lie. I went to RoyalGardenCafe before noon at the thought of such a day lunch and outdoor course, terrace fully booked by the difference of the moment.
Pasta lunch at the table felt the air closest to the terrace. It was the same menu pasta I said the other day unpalatable.

Dried bonito of Makurazaki production to sharpen every morning, had divided into two and biting into. When I bring to NINBEN, here, did not you? Got off by part equal to the bone. I had to replace it with a new dried bonito to say I will exchange. Have you had to replace the dried bonito that would split into two before I noticed when I just bought earlier you are using, but it dried bonito like this you can not determine the only appearance hit you, for Makurazaki and NINBEN I think it's a disgrace.
I think I want you to thorough quality control. (hide)

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