

チーズタルトの店も根強い人気が続いているようで、昼下がりも15人くらいの行列が続いている。センター街角にあったシシカバブの店の跡がついに解体撤去され、新築されるようだ。昨日紹介したSwatchのアンテナショップを覗いてみたが、あまりラインアップは多くない。世界各地のSwatchShopの中では規模は大きいほうだが、商品点数が少ないのが気になった。 昨日管理会社に頼んでいたPepsiのテントに描かれた落書きを、ようやく消してくれた。落描きを放置するといくらでも上描きをされてしまうので、すぐに消すことが大切だ。 暖かな一日と思っていたが、帰宅する頃になって風がまた強くなり、結構寒くなってきた。今年の天候は、やっぱり乱暴すぎる。(hide)

Time of the meeting in the early morning was rather cold, but it is quite warm by the time you return to Shibuya afternoon, In recent years, many foreign tourists wearing short sleeves.
I did not notice but there is a huge sign of H & M also on the large Sheng bookstore in the scramble crossing angle of Hachiko before, shirts of 999 yen have come up here.
Deep-rooted popularity seems to have continued store cheese tart, matrix of about 15 people has been going on for mid-afternoon. Trace of shish kebab shop that was in the center street corner is finally dismantled, and seems to be new. I tried looking through the antenna shop of Swatch who introduced yesterday, line-up is not too much. It's better scale is large in SwatchShop around the world, but it was worrisome goods count is less.
It was me off finally, the graffiti painted on the tent of Pepsi who was asked to management company yesterday. So would have been a draw on any number when you leave the graffiti, be erased as soon as it is important.
I had thought the 1st warm, but also becomes stronger wind to become the time I go home, it has become quite cold. This year's weather is too rough after all.(hide)

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